Website redesign for Masherbrum e-commerce


Masherbrum is a French brand of eco-responsible sportswear and underwear. Noriane, the company’s designer, and Boris, the founder, approached me to redesign their e-commerce website.

We focused on several key pages:
– Homepage
– Product category page
– Our philosophy page
– Blog


Optimize the key pages of the e-commerce website

Key project points

Information structuring and prioritization

Responsive design

Implementation of the graphic charter

Existing site analysis

Every redesign starts with analyzing the existing site to identify pain points, positives, and areas for improvement.

After this analysis, I conducted research to immerse myself in the client’s industry and competitive landscape, focusing on UX and design trends.

Focus on the homepage

After completing the analysis phase, I concentrated on building the various pages. I added elements to enhance user navigation on the site.

Let’s take a closer look at the homepage:

  • Highlighted the company’s impact on the environment
  • Reworked the section presenting the company’s commitments
  • Added a reassurance banner
  • Reworked the highlighting of the blog and its different categories

Focus on our philosophy page

Now, let’s delve into the “Our Philosophy” page.

This page is crucial as it tells the company’s story and presents its values.

I completely redesigned the structure of this page:

  • Added a message from the founder to add a human touch
  • Emphasized the meaning of the company name: Masherbrum
  • Reworked the presentation of the value proposition to highlight it
  • Added an Instagram feed

Focus on the blog

For the blog, I redesigned the page presenting all articles. I added filters to allow users to select a category of articles, making it easier for them to search.

For blog articles, I created a template, ensuring that each article has the same layout, creating visual harmony across all blog posts.